Comprehensive Resources on Malaria

Malaria remains one of the most significant global health challenges, affecting millions worldwide. Accessing accurate information, reliable statistics, and comprehensive resources is vital for researchers, healthcare professionals, policymakers, and individuals interested in understanding and combating this disease. Fortunately, numerous online platforms offer up-to-date data, research articles, and reference libraries dedicated to malaria. Below, we present a curated list of resources to aid in navigating the vast landscape of malaria-related information.

  • World Health Organization (WHO) Malaria Portal:
  • Website: WHO Malaria
  • Description: The WHO's Global Malaria Programme provides a wealth of information on malaria control and elimination efforts worldwide. From global reports to country-specific data, this portal offers comprehensive insights into the epidemiology, treatment, and prevention strategies for malaria.
  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC):
  • Website: CDC Malaria
  • Description: CDC's malaria section offers a plethora of resources, including surveillance data, treatment guidelines, and travel recommendations. It serves as a valuable resource for healthcare professionals, travelers, and researchers seeking authoritative information on malaria.
  • Malaria Atlas Project (MAP):
  • Website: Malaria Atlas Project
  • Description: MAP is a collaborative initiative that provides detailed maps, data, and models on malaria risk and burden globally. Researchers and policymakers can access interactive maps, downloadable datasets, and analytical tools to support evidence-based decision-making in malaria control programs.
  • Roll Back Malaria Partnership (RBM):
  • Website: Roll Back Malaria
  • Description: RBM is a global platform that mobilizes resources and coordinates action against malaria. Their website offers access to reports, toolkits, and advocacy materials aimed at accelerating progress towards malaria elimination. It serves as a hub for stakeholders committed to ending malaria.
  • Malaria Journal:
  • Website: Malaria Journal
  • Description: Malaria Journal is an open-access peer-reviewed journal publishing research articles, reviews, and commentary on all aspects of malaria. Researchers can find the latest scientific advancements, epidemiological studies, and treatment innovations related to malaria.
  • Malaria Elimination Initiative (MEI) - UCSF Global Health Group:
  • Website: MEI
  • Description: MEI provides resources and tools to support malaria elimination efforts worldwide. From case studies to policy briefs, their website offers valuable insights into the challenges and strategies associated with malaria elimination, making it a valuable resource for policymakers and researchers alike.